Sunday, September 21, 2014

How to eat food, if you didn't already know #6

There are very essential factors to eating food. For instance, how you chew it and how long you chew it. Most motherly advice is pretty right to some extant, "Chew your food slowly, Dearie." Listen to that wise woman. Your food must be chewed for at least 30 seconds to let the enzymes properly break down the food in your mouth so that the digestion process will carry through with ease. So, your meal should last 20-30 minutes, 5-10 for snacks. If you gulf your food down like starved soldiers like me, just try to be conscious of slowing down. Huge plus of doing so is that you actually enjoy the food! Huzzah! Also, the longer you take your time letting your tastebuds enjoy the bliss of tasting rich delicacies, the more full you will feel after finishing.

Eating like this can lead to indigestion and disgusting and non wanted heartburn. Heartburn is just dreadful and nobody wants it. So be proud when someone says you eat like a bird, just know that you are the one who won't have acid reflux at the end of the day.

One other incredibly important thing to keep in mind when enjoying your divine meal is to make sure the temperature of what you are drinking is appropriate for you what you are eating. For example, freezing cold beverage is a negative for when you are enjoying any kind of meal. While you are digesting your food, it is a process of acid breaking down material to convert to energy. If you drink freezing cold water, you are disrupting this process. It can be equated to pouring water onto a fire. 

This is mainly the reason you will belch, you're body is not happy and is sending you S.O.S. signals in burp form to tell you to stop. Room temperature is the preferred choice. I know it isn't particularly stimulating, but it is better for you stomach. It's fine to drink cold water 30 minutes before you begin eating and an hour after eating. When it comes to room temperature, go crazy. 
Wouldn't you be more happy than disturbed if your stomach look like that? It's pretty darn cute.

Just keep in mind these two helpful suggestions next time you are about to engage in a feast fit for royalty and as a result you will have a happy stomach that doesn't want to participate in a mutiny. 

Inevitable seed of Technology for our future offspring #5

The way technology is presented in this clip disgusts me... I don't care how fashionable that impeccable blue hologram shirt is, even if it is the new red! But, it's not entirely their fault after all. Just like how our future generations are going to be, well similar at least, they are going to be born into a more advanced world where almost everything is more simplified and easier to do. They had specific bots for each and every use to make sure not a single person does more than a click on their armrests. Also, the way they are just not interactive with each other and just completely oblivious to their surroundings actually mimics what I am told and seeing today. The way they were doing "facetime" when two people where actually floating side by side on their way to the pool area that no one is aware of reminds me of how I see couples texting while waiting for their dinner to be serves at a restaurant, or perhaps when I was told how kids were playing on their Ipads while they were at an in-door trampoline place. The floating chair blobs with their mesmerizing cobalt blue suits aren't that much different from these kids who get lost in projection screen is in front of their eyes. But, once again, how can they help it when it's the kind of place they were born into? Unless they have an amazing eye-opener that helps them see the world, much like that fancy little garbage compacting robot, Wall-E, or parents or friends to show them a balance, a way to not abuse technology.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Why sleep is divine and should be respected as so #4

Although it isn't recommended to sleep in such an extreme manner(nor in anyway is that logical or safe. Simply don't mimic what that guy is doing),  we should take extreme care by following what our body wants to do when night comes and our bodies automatically begin slowing down the gears in our system so we can rest.

There are two key factors that play in our body that essential to sleep. They do not follow a certain order, instead they cycle between each other during sleep. The first one is NREM(Non-Rapid Eye Movement).  During NREM, muscle tissue is regenerated and repaired. and is known to strengthen the immune system. During this phase the body goes through 4 simple stages.

1) Wakefulness is reduced and this stage can last for ten minutes where the body can be awakened without feeling like they ever fell asleep.

2) At this point the body begins to enter deep sleep and conscious awareness of environment and sound begin to fade away. You and I know this feeling when after a nap or sleep you may forget where you are after awaking up.

3&4)  If awakened at this point, the person may feel slightly disoriented and very groggy. Some effects of disturbing a person at this point can cause them to feel depressed and angry.

REM sleep is when the body enters a state of intense dreaming in which the brain is highly active, but the body is temporarily paralyzed and immobile. So, for a moment, you are trapped in your paralyzed body without being consciously aware of it. Some people wake up into sleep paralysis where they can't move within minutes of waking up, but this is only temporary, so there's not much need for alarm. REM sleep  is essential because it stimulates the brain regions for learning and retaining information. We obviously need that and shouldn't abuse such a thing for watching videos late into the unforgiving night.

Lack of sleep entails:
  • Depression
  • Decreased immune response
  • Fatigue
  • Increased pain
  • Impaired memory and thought process
I know it may seem impossible and incredibly difficult, but don't follow this example.

And it is never too late to fix your sleep routine. Well, if you wait too long, you can actually develop terrifying and severe sleep disorders that you have never heard of, but I am not using terror to persuade you, just simply informing you. The average person need a minimum of 9 hours of sleep every single night! I know research and mothers have said maybe "seven" at most a night will do, but as studies progress, the hours of sleep believed to be needed increases each time. So, at your very best, try to control the environment around you in a calm manner ( don't yell at grandma to turn down her video games). Just invest in some ear plugs and tuning down when the sun goes down. Treat your body with respect the night before because it is going to need it to function at full capacity the next day.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Technology's Future Potential #3

Machines, computers, or simple devices that have been created can possibly be used for many different actions for many different purposes. The video down below contains random information about current inventions or inventions in the making. The grand importance many of them is that they are first brought to existence with one sole purpose in mind whether it be for silly reasons that may not potentially be seen as progressive, or perhaps some do have the intention to assist mankind in making humans more efficient than they ever considered.
There are two inventions that really stood out among the rest to me. Those being, the Bug Juggler, a synthetic arm with sensors that mimic the movement of the wearer's arm in order to control a giant robot that juggles vehicles that is engineered by hydraulics. This machine is still in the making, but the concept of it is very real, and in the video it seems they are already well on their way. This machine could be used to forward the production speed of constructing a building, or loading heavy cargo onto a ship. The consideration of how we could implement this into so many branches of our lives and business should be appreciated with great gravity. Just imagine how it could even be introduced on a smaller scale to perform remedial every day house tasks.

The next noteworthy invention is able to produce energy through absorbing your sweat. I believe that such a device should be distributed globally to make such fluids perform multiple functions, more than what nature intended for them to be. The device is a patch that measures the production of lactate, a chemical that is naturally present in the body. The electrical currents are stored into the patch and are able to power small devices like a heart-rate monitor or a watch.
I would love to see the future advances of these devices and how they will improve their efficiency.
With my deepest hopes, I wish to see these wonderful things integrated into our everyday lives and replace methods that will be trumped by the ever upgrading machines to make possible what people could never do before, or just make it better.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Entry #2: Mantis Shrimp: creature, mystery, nightmare.

The Mantis Shrimp: This crustacean possess a very multicolored body that varies incredibly among their species. They are renowned for being ferocious and incredibly bold despite their growth average length of 2-7 inches.

As shown here, the typical image of a peacock Mantis Shrimp. They have multiple appendages that serve for cleaning, mobility, and for as an attack mechanism. Their legs act like a spring to launch towards their prey. This specific species of Mantis shrimp have what are known as two "bowler clubs" that they use for striking. The way in which their arms are retracted and extended are very similar to a spring-loaded trigger and they are known to have the fastest punch in the world. Such a punch is equated to the acceleration with the same velocity of a 22. caliber gun. From the mere impact of one of their strikes that can generate light and energy.They are the Bruce Lee of crustaceans. Attacks Funny animated GIF
Here we can see the sheer awesome power the bowler club creating an underwater bubble. This is called a supercavitation. This occurs when their limbs moves so fast that the water actually boils around them as they extend their clubs to attack their prey. The bubble explodes and creates a second shock wave that will kill its prey even if it misses its target. Since the punch can be so devastating these beautifully destructive creatures are rarely held in aquariums behind glass because they can easily crack through inches of plated glass with their tiny clubs.
 animated GIF
Despite their rainbow colored exterior that might give the impression they are strong, yet beautifully misunderstood creatures, they have a blood lust and will leave a quaking path of destruction, even if  it was a creature with no vicious intent happened to cross its path. Also, this is another reason they are not kept in aquariums with other sea-animals. They tend to try to murder everything in its surrounding if confined to a small space.
One last notable thing about this magnificent creature, is its capacity for observing colors. We humans have 3 color-receptive cones that allows us to see the colors red, green and blue. The mantis shrimp as up to 16 ( according to this website Other will argue that they only have twelve. Despite that dispute, this creature possesses the most complex sensitivity for colors in the animal kingdom, colors we can't even imagine nor comprehend. 
This image was taken from my favorite comic author The Oatmeal at

Entry #1: My First Step Into Blog World

I didn't realize a diverse community thrives in the partaking of everyday blogging. I didn't know how deep they were willing to immerse themselves in sharing their personal lives, random facts, or controversial opinions. This is something very new for me to experience, but it is definitely one of the intriguing things I have witnessed. I think blogs are a very effective way to get your thoughts and personal ideas out there in the world to be seen by randoms strangers who aren't solely your friends on whatever social media you use to give you insightful feedback, or generally take a random interest in what you have to say. I don't think it is quite something I would ever done if it wasn't for someone opening me to this direction, but it's definitely enticing enough to see what it is all about.

The very first blog I happened to stumble upon out of the fifty to choose from was this delightful blog called Dumb Little Man - Tips For Life.

This was one of the most interesting blogs I have read on because it's full of helpful health related facts or how to sustain interest on tedious and extended tasks. They are chuck full of little tips and tricks of how to manage your everyday life better. There was even an instance where they suggested advice on way to dealing with your calorie intake. I found this personally intriguing because it's my dream career to become a nutritionist and it comes a long way listening to simple advice to a healthier lifestyle. This has a strong influence on me in regards of wanting to know certain details to manage stress and what I eat .

Post Secret at is a website that allows people to post whatever they want anonymously. This particular blog by title stuck out to me because I had to participate in a class project during my junior year of high school that was about writing a " Post Secret" and displaying them on a wall. I understand and respect the concept, but some of them are just a little too weird for me to comprehend some times, or I wonder whether or not they are real. To me, many of these posts are just too bizarre. Perhaps I feel that way because I have never heard of any such things until now. I find it very fascinating and new, but that doesn't get in the way of the complete obscenity of these anonymous secrets. Some of them are definitely terrifying. It gives way to a world I never really I would get a chance to see.loofah

 Now, for my favorite blogger and comic author of all time. The Oatmeal at Matthew Inman, author and illustrator of The Oatmeal website, is a comic writer who makes comedic comics about his life, animals, grammar, and odd events. This website is absolutely my favorite. It brings me great delight and laughter, and even great information about things I never knew of. He is a very successful man and is very generous. He established a fun raiser to create a Tesla Museum in honor of one of his heroes, Nicola Tesla. He did so with an internet kick starter:

This is one of his comics that will be forever embedded in my brain. 
You and I were cut from the same cloth