Sunday, September 21, 2014

How to eat food, if you didn't already know #6

There are very essential factors to eating food. For instance, how you chew it and how long you chew it. Most motherly advice is pretty right to some extant, "Chew your food slowly, Dearie." Listen to that wise woman. Your food must be chewed for at least 30 seconds to let the enzymes properly break down the food in your mouth so that the digestion process will carry through with ease. So, your meal should last 20-30 minutes, 5-10 for snacks. If you gulf your food down like starved soldiers like me, just try to be conscious of slowing down. Huge plus of doing so is that you actually enjoy the food! Huzzah! Also, the longer you take your time letting your tastebuds enjoy the bliss of tasting rich delicacies, the more full you will feel after finishing.

Eating like this can lead to indigestion and disgusting and non wanted heartburn. Heartburn is just dreadful and nobody wants it. So be proud when someone says you eat like a bird, just know that you are the one who won't have acid reflux at the end of the day.

One other incredibly important thing to keep in mind when enjoying your divine meal is to make sure the temperature of what you are drinking is appropriate for you what you are eating. For example, freezing cold beverage is a negative for when you are enjoying any kind of meal. While you are digesting your food, it is a process of acid breaking down material to convert to energy. If you drink freezing cold water, you are disrupting this process. It can be equated to pouring water onto a fire. 

This is mainly the reason you will belch, you're body is not happy and is sending you S.O.S. signals in burp form to tell you to stop. Room temperature is the preferred choice. I know it isn't particularly stimulating, but it is better for you stomach. It's fine to drink cold water 30 minutes before you begin eating and an hour after eating. When it comes to room temperature, go crazy. 
Wouldn't you be more happy than disturbed if your stomach look like that? It's pretty darn cute.

Just keep in mind these two helpful suggestions next time you are about to engage in a feast fit for royalty and as a result you will have a happy stomach that doesn't want to participate in a mutiny. 


  1. Pretty good job, Stephan. Don't forget about rhetoric. Keep it up.

  2. I have also heard that you aren't even suppose to drink while eating, wether it's cold or room temperature. When you drink while eating it confuses your stomach into thinking that you already have acids in your stomach that are breaking down your food, so it doesn't send as many chemicals to break down your food. I don't know exactly how this works, but it seems to make sense. You aren't suppose to drink 30 minutes before a meal or an hour after a meal. (something like that, anyways). And if you do drink only drink things like water or milk, because they aren't acidic.
