Sunday, October 12, 2014

Extra Credit: Why Food Inc makes me hungry

I have always heard blips and fragments of information that is shared through gossip or one lined headliners seen on newspapers, but I never really paid any attention to what was being said about the treatment or quality of the food that was purchased from the local store and prepared on my plate. I just simply ate it and never considered the preparation steps (the ones before it was ready to be sold in store). After watching Food Inc, I am simply angry and disgusted by how nonchalant our government is toward food inspections and the consistent harassment of harassing local farmers like Joel Salatin. 

The government tried to crack down hard on how he slaughtered his own chickens. They tried to shut his operation down because they saw it unsanitary to be conducting such a business out in the open air and not in a secluded metal warehouse/factory instead. So, to combat such a heinous accusation, he took the appropriate stance and had his chicken meat and a store-bought meat sent to a laboratory to be cultivated/tested. His came back under 200 and the store bought had over 2000 bacterial colonies "and that was after they bleached it to clean it."  

I am just outraged that his natural and efficient process is being frowned upon by an "engineered food" supporting government that results in frequent cases of Ecoli bacteria that actually kills people, and yet they are still able to get away with it.

It worries me though that I have only learned about this by chance of taking my English 101 class. I would have never learned about such a thing otherwise, or at least not for a long time. Such events need to be broadcasted more so that we can be aware of such horrors to combat against it.

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